Posts Tagged ‘nazi’

The Harlot that rides the Beast aka Roman Catholic Babylonian Jesuit Satanic Church is behind the ecumenical movement to bring all pagan religions under the control of the Roman Catholic Pagan Pope/Black Pope Superior Jesuit General.

Adolf Hitler Supported Abortion

Obama Supported Abortion

This is the undisputed fact that Planned Parenthood, N.A.R.A.L., N.O.W., the rest of
the establishment, and especially the bias mainstream media refuses to show to this
information to the public. Adolf Hitler was pro-choice and supported Abortion.
Gloria Steinem, CIA Feminist agent, smilingly believed that Hitler was Pro-life in

1980 by her quote:
“Hitler himself and the Nazi doctrine he created were unequivocally opposed to any
individual right to abortion.” (Gloria Steinem, Ms., October 1980). Ha ha ha ah
ha!!!!! How wrong she was. Here’s the smoking gun of the direct words from Hitler
subscribing to abortion:

“The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we don’t need them, they may die.
Therefore compulsory vaccination and German health services are superfluous.
The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives and
practice abortion, the more the better. Education is dangerous. It is sufficient if
they can count up to a hundred. At best education is admissible which produces
useful servants for us. Every educated person is a future energy. Religion we
leave to them as a means of diversion. As to food, they are not to get more than
necessary. We are the masters.” (Gerald Reitlinger, The House Built on Sand; the
Conflicts of German Policy in Russia, 1939-1945 [New York]; 1960, p. 200)
Hitler always supported all forms of abortion except for Aryan women, which Hitler
wanted his racist plans for a “master race” which there is no such thing. (All races
are equal and all human beings are created by Almighty God). The Nazis forced non-
Aryan women in the conquered countries to have abortions and sterilizations in
order to keep their population down (this eventually led to out-and-out masskilling).
Hitler wanted to limit and reduce all non-Aryan populations. In late 1939 a
decree was issued encouraging Polish women to seek abortions.

The campaign wascalled “Auswahlfeiheit” (“Freedom of Choice”).

As early as 1933 [when the Nazis
came to power], the law was changed to legalize abortion in Germany. The details
were left to the Berlin Chambers of Physicians, Germany’s most vociferous abortion
and vociferous group back then. This group used the fake guise of “the health of the
mother” to execute abortion. “The health of the mother” isn’t just life or death,
but racial, economic, or psychological factors which is extremely grotesque. Dr.
Frederick J. Taussig explains this accurately:
“The struggle to have therapeutic indications for abortion (done by a physician)
legally recognized did not meet with success until 1933, when the new enactments
passed by the Hitler government established that abortion under genuine medical
indications is not subject to punishment when demanded and performed by legally
qualified physicians.” (Abortion spontaneous and Induced: Medical and Social
Aspects by Dr. Frederick J. Tausssig, pg. 424 in 1936)
Taussig was an obstetrics professor at the Washington University School of Medicine
in St. Louis, Missouri and he promoted abortion as far back as the 1930’s so this
quote isn’t bias towards the Pro-Life movement at all. By 1935, in Nazi Germany
(Third Reich) with a population of 65 million people, 500,000 abortions were
performed each year. On November 25, 1939 shortly after the occupation of Nazi SS
organization called Reich Commission for Strengthening of Germandom (RKFDV)
issued this decree:

“All measures which have the tendency to limit the births are to be tolerated or to
be supported. Abortion in the remaining area [of Poland] must be declared free
from punishment. The means for abortion and contraceptive means may be offered
publicly without police restriction. Homosexuality is always to be declared legal.
The institutions and persons involved professionally in abortion practices are not to
be interfered with by police.” (Kamenetsky, “German Lebensraum,” 171.)
This policy was confirmed on May 27, 1941 at a Ministry of the Interior conference in
Berlin. Another Nazi decree of 1941 (October 19, 1941) established abortion on
demand as the offical policy of Poland. Hitler even threatened to shoot anyone who
restricted abortion unto the Polish population by his own words:
“If any such idiot tried to put into practice such an order. . . he would personally
shoot him up. In view of the large families of the native population, it could only
suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible.”( Alexander
Dallin, German Rule in Russia, 1941-1945 (London, 1957), 141f. Clarissa Henry and
Marc Hillel, _Of Pure Blood_, Trans. Eric Mossbacher (New York, 1976), 148. Ihor
Kamenetsky, “German Lebensraum Policy in Eastern Europe During World War II”
(Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Ill., 1957) (Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilm, #
25,236), 172-73, Ihor Kamenetsky, _Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe_ (New
York, 1961), 143, Joachim C. Fest, _Hitler_ (New York, 1975), 683-84.)
Hitler just wanted abortions to be expanded to all populations under the control of
“the Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East.” Hitler accomplished that by
his July 23, 1942 decree which extended abortions to other parts of Eastern Europe.
Hitler confirmed his order on August 5. Bormann personally in favor of abortion for non-
Aryan women by writing:
“When girls and women in the Occupied Territories of the East have abortions, we can
only be in favor of it; in any case we should not oppose it. The Fuhrer belives that we
should authorize the development in a thriving trade in contraceptives. We are not
interested in seeing the non-German population multiply.” (Harvest of Hate, 1954,, p.274)
On June 9, 1943, he issued an order to the SS, SD, and the police which was the
Reichskommisar Kaltenbrummer to have abortions for Eastern Female workers if
they desired it especially if non-Aryan racially. Professor William Bennan of the
School of Social Science at St. Louis University, in 1983 wrote The Abortion
Holocaust exposing the Nazi/Abortion connection published by Landmark Press. He
also was the author of Medical Holocausts. His The Abortion Holocaust book
conveyed that:
“Individuals such as Gloria Steinem, who have characterized Hitler as unequivocally
opposed to abortion, are right then? Not at all. This in only part of the picture, and
a minor one at that. Hitler’s opposition to abortion possessed a definite ideological
flavor: the building of a master race of Aryans. The converse of this, the tearing
down of non-Aryans, necessitated a strong pro-abortion mindset [for non-Aryans].
…..” (p. 33)

It is also obvious that the Nazis practiced eugenics, forced sterilization, and
euthanasia along with abortion leading to the genocide of 20 million+ human beings.
After WW II, the War crimes Tribunal indicted 10 Nazi leaders for “encouraging and
compelling abortion” which is considered a “crime against humanity.” (Trials of War
Criminals, “Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Washington D.C; USGPO, vol. IV, p. 610)
When the brainwashed pro-choice propagandists classify you as a nut for being Pro-
Life and supporting the right of the unborn to live, tell them directly that the
procedure of abortion from existed from paganism, witchcraft, Canaan, Celts,
Babylon, Nazism, and from Satan himself. Adolf Hitler was pro-abortion. The media
has never displayed these immensely valuable facts to you for obvious reasons.
Abortion is never of God. Abortion is murder.